Victory is in the Palm of Your Hand
BY CORKY CRAMER Along with teaching a player how to crush forehands, it’s a coach’s job to help players learn how to analyze and react
ONcourt is an online community cultivating leading edge tennis content from leaders across the nation on a one of a kind platform.
BY CORKY CRAMER Along with teaching a player how to crush forehands, it’s a coach’s job to help players learn how to analyze and react
With the first Grand Slam of the year winding down, I wanted to do a little introduction to the main draw players, who competed on the collegiate level before turning pro. This will be a short series of four parts: men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles, and women’s doubles.
BY WAYNE ELDERTON HELPING YOU COACH… PART 5 – PURPOSEFUL FEEDBACK NEW ‘TWO-PRONGED’ SERIES We are continuing with running two series at the same time.
BY DAVID BAILEY The ability to relax is a skill and fundamental to success in tennis. Much of what I believe has been influenced by
CONTEST ALERT!! Want to win tickets to the 2022 National Bank Open in Toronto? Read Pierre Lamarche’s response to Tom Tebbutt’s article “Felix – A
The Bailey Method identifies and provides solutions to more than 50 of the most common problems associated with movement, footwork and balance when playing tennis.
Editor’s Note: As a nine-year-old, Kayla demonstrated that she would be a force to be reckoned with when she led her team to a provincial
Editor’s Note: The Greenan family is synonymous with tennis in Cambridge. From his son Mark, a Canadian Davis Cupper, Harry has been responsible on
Editor’s Note: Peter was a Canadian champion and Davis Cup player and became a long-time broadcaster for the Canadian Open. He was also a great
Editor’s Note: Two years ago, Tony Roth, the Director of Tennis at the Ottawa Athletic Club, received a three-day notice that the club was
Editor’s Note: Richard was Tennis Director for 28 years at the Richmond Hill Country Club, is a level 4 Tennis Canada coach, is co-president
Editor’s Note: Rebecca was on her way to becoming one of the WTA’s new stars when life dealt her a different hand. Here is a
Editor’s Note: As Senior Director of Facilities Development at Tennis Canada, she occupies a position which could determine the future of tennis in our
Editor’s Note: James has done it all, 32 times national champion, a Davis Cup player and tournament Director, and an established coach. Jim, president