Dr. Richard Young

ONcourt is an online community cultivating leading edge tennis content from leaders across the nation on a one of a kind platform.

High Performers Believe in Action

BY DR. RICHARD YOUNG High Performers believe in action! An old story of two doors at the Pearly Gates. Both closed, both with a sign pinned to

The High Performers Difference: Hope vs. Evidence

BY DR. RICHARD YOUNG Novice performers are yet to have convincing evidence of their performance capability. Hope and affirmation are often prioritized when evidence is unconvincing. Experts

Releasing High Potential

By: Dr. Richard Young Kurt Lewin (1890-1947) was a psychologist who studied group behaviour and change. He was convinced that exhibiting or not exhibiting desirable behaviour

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The Future of Tennis with Anita Comella

  Editor’s Note: As Senior Director of Facilities Development at Tennis Canada, she occupies a position which could determine the future of tennis in our