March 22, 2014

ONcourt is an online community cultivating leading edge tennis content from leaders across the nation on a one of a kind platform.

Clement Golliet: “Overhead Sport and Resistance Training”

Overhead sports are more likely to develop muscular discrepancy, even more when athletes start at a young age. They will be more likely to experience bad posture and continued errors in technique, which would put them more at risk for injuries. The best way to avoid any complication is prevention, which is why technique and exercise choice are paramount in resistance training and cannot be done randomly.

Wayne Elderton: “AceCoach e-Newsletter March”

Has anyone not heard of the power of goal-setting? Yet, even in this age of goal oriented sports, business, science, etc. tennis coaches are typically not very good at incorporating goals into their daily activities. Too many coaches come to lessons on ‘wing-it’ mode. Oh sure, they can do fun activities, however, these don’t add up to effective improvement as they should. To harness the power of practice, goals are required. Goals increase the effectiveness of your annual plans, seasonal plans, monthly plans, weekly plans, lesson plans, right down to the drill or activity being done. You can almost use the term ‘goals’ and ‘plans’ synonymously. The old adage, “When you fail to plan, you plan to fail” is applicable here. A great plan is a series of goals that are SMART.

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The Future of Tennis with Anita Comella

  Editor’s Note: As Senior Director of Facilities Development at Tennis Canada, she occupies a position which could determine the future of tennis in our